bioterrorism adviserの例文
2005 indonesian embassy bioterrorism hoax
*2005 Indonesian embassy bioterrorism hoax-( 8495 )-no consensus-closed 07 : 10, 19 December 2009 ( UTC)

For my next attack, I might consider bioterrorism or cyberterrorism. Even so, bioterrorism experts welcomed the groundings of crop dusters. Investigators have said the death was not the re......

bioterrorism act
The Bioterrorism Act of 2002 expanded that zone to within a 20-mile radius of every nuclear plant. Bioterrorism Act : http : / / www . fda . gov / oc / bioterrorism / bioact . html FDA Bio......

bioterrorism act of 2002
The Bioterrorism Act of 2002 expanded that zone to within a 20-mile radius of every nuclear plant. The Bioterrorism Act of 2002 required a study by scientists of how to store and distribut......

bioterrorism security assessment alliance
Sherry and Jake take part in the subsequent battle between the Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance and the mutated mercenaries. The game's plot involves an investigation by Bioterror......

public health security and bioterrorism preparedness and response act
The regulations were required by the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act, passed by Congress in 2002. The SAP was established to satisfy requirements of t......

academic adviser
"She's really an outstanding individual, " said Carolyn Schlarbaum, her academic adviser. Brian Frazier, an academic adviser, will direct the WSU mentoring program. All full-time faculty s......

Some close advisers are encouraging him to keep his options open. Even advisers at a federal hot line could not answer questions. That day, Tom wanted me to become his financial adviser. O......

adviser function
Lindsey plays a role in economic policy similar to that way the National Security Adviser functions on foreign and defense matters. After ending his managerial career, he contributed the T......

adviser of the president
He was also one of the closest advisers of the president. "I'm not coming in just to be the foreign policy adviser of the president, " he said. Senator Menem is a close political adviser o......

adviser office
It is also the location of several real estate, doctor, and financial adviser offices. There is also a post office, a garage, a financial adviser office ( in what used to be the Halsall Ar......

adviser on minorities
In 1935, she led the first meeting of President Franklin D . Roosevelt's " Negro Cabinet, " an unofficial but influential group of advisers on minority issues.

adviser to the government of kelantan
In each of the five protected states of Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Trengganu, and Johore ( usually collectively referred to as the'Unfederated Malay States'), the British government is repre......

adviser to the government of perlis
In each of the five protected states of Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Trengganu, and Johore ( usually collectively referred to as the'Unfederated Malay States'), the British government is repre......

adviser to the president
"I think we'll lose, " one senior adviser to the president said. Charlie Sheen stars as Bobby Bishop, the closest adviser to the president. Altynbayev replaces Sat Tokpakbayev, who was app......

adviser to the president on military
He is a brother of the current President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, and an adviser to the President on military matters. Tuesday's dismissals leave Maj . Dany Toussaint, an adviser to the......

adviser to the sultan of kedah
In each of the five protected states of Perlis, Kedah, Kelantan, Trengganu, and Johore ( usually collectively referred to as the'Unfederated Malay States'), the British government is repre......

air adviser
Carey became air adviser to the British High Commission in Australia from 1958 to 1962. In 1973, he was also posted to New Delhi as Air Adviser to the High Commissioner of Pakistan. During......

approved investment adviser
" under this latest approach , profits tax exemption would be granted to non - residents on income derived from securities trading transactions undertaken in hong kong through an agent who......

artistic adviser
At the Royal Opera House in 1913 14, Carr was artistic adviser. He will continue to work with the company as its artistic adviser. She is also an artistic adviser to the National Arts Cou......

assistant to the president and deputy national security adviser
Gates was Deputy Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs from March until August 1989, and was Assistant to the President and Deputy National Security Adviser from August ......

aviation adviser
Vidal acted as aviation adviser to the 1st Cavalry Division ( Airmobile ), at its base camp in South Vietnam. Later he served as a director and part owner of Northeast Airlines, and as avi......

base adviser
The national bank, he said, will seek guidance from locally based advisers. Schwab has more than 5, 000 fee-based advisers in its institutional OneSource program. However, Paris-based advi......

business adviser
Hugh Manning played Richard Hunter, Mrs Thursday's butler, business adviser and confidant. "Bird had a separate deal, " says a former business adviser to Woolf. In 1996 Wilson served as a ......

careers adviser
I suggest you speak to a tutor or a careers adviser at your university. Not all the new career advisers place people in jobs. Post 16 students have their own Post 16 Centre, full-time Care......